Azure backup folder exclusion


I tried to find a way to do it, but I am not sure if it's possible or not.

Using Recovery services on Azure, I installed the Microsoft Azure Backup Agent on an IIS server.

We have multiple websites hosted and each website use ELMAH for logging. We also use SVN to deploy website update. The thing is, some of our log folder contains thousands of log files and there's also the .svn files which contains tons of files. I would like to exclude these folders, for performance purpose. However, I don't want to add one hundred manual exclusion list, I would like to add a generic filter to do so.

I know I can exclude a specific folder in the backup agent and that we can exclude certain file types, but I don't want to exclude all .xml files, for example, as they are important files to be backuped.

Did anyone find a way to exclude part of folder path from the Azure Backup Agent tool?
It most likely apply to Windows Server Backup too. It's fine if I need to script a file with the exclusion listed in it too.


  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\log\1.xml
  • C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\log\2.xml

Exclude: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\*\log\*

Exclude: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\*\.svn\*

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Just had a talk to a support engineer and he confirmed that it's currently not possible to use wildcards other than in file extensions.

I explained my use case and remarked that it was a useful feature.

Added a user voice item to track this, votes are welcome:

To work around it, at the moment the only option is to use powershell to search for folders to exclude and then update the backup schedule. Or to include updating the backup schedule as part of your deployment scripts/pipeline.

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