Azure – Can’t access Azure VM or reset password/config

azureremote desktopvirtual-machines

I've had an Azure Windows VM running on my free monthy credits for over a year now, to try stuff and play around in the cloud. I never had problems before.

For a few days now, I can't connect via rdp. It just doesn't work, although I'm sure I typed my password right on the 20th try.

So I tried to reset the password and configuration using Azure Portal. This always end in an error saying

"VMAccss extension does not work with domain controller"

I do know the VM is running, as I can access the website on it.

I restarted it a few times, and even redeployed it, but no dice.

What do I do now?


So Jason's solution was the one I used to solve my little access problem, so it is marked as such.

Azure changed over time though, so now there is an (IMO) actually better solution to this problem, posted by jmbertucci below.

Best Answer

We should check does RDP service running? we can use telnet to test RDP service running or not.
Have you check your VM's public IP address(changed or not)?

"VMAccss extension does not work with domain controller"

If you want to change the password, we can use custom script extension to reset password:

1.Create ps1 file in your local PC, name as resetpw.ps1 :

net user username newpassword

2.deploy new custom script extension, upload ps1 file to Azure via Azure portal: enter image description here

3.check the extension status:

enter image description here

Now, we can use new password to login your Azure VM.

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