Azure – Can’t connect to Azure File Storage using “net use” command – System error 5


I'm trying to mount a Azure file storage to my local computer on Windows 7 using the net use command generated in the (new) Azure portal:

net use Z: \\testshare /u:foo [PASSWORD]

But I keep getting: "System error 5 has occurred. Access is Denied"

Best Answer

According to the documentation you need windows 8 or server 2012 because you need a client that supports smb3 Azure docs

  1. Are Azure File shares visible publicly over the Internet, or are they only reachable from Azure?

As long as port 445 (TCP Outbound) is open and your client supports the SMB 3.0 protocol (e.g., Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012), your file share is available via the Internet.

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