Azure – DNS setup problems with Windows Azure VPS


What is the proper to setup the A record (or CNAME) for a Windows Azure VPS? I can't connect to my website after setting up IIS and believe I don't have the correct DNS setup.

  • I created a small VPS instance with the default Windows Server 2012 configuration.
  • I RDP'd in and added the Webserver role.
  • In my DNSMadeEasy control panel I added an A record with my Public Virtual IP Address.
  • In IIS I went to the default website and added bindings for the hostname of my website, so I should be able to type and see the IIS 8 splash screen, but instead my browser cannot connect.
  • I attempted to navigate to the site by typing in my Virtual IP address into the browser and still cannot connect.
  • I RDP'd back into the machine and turned off Windows Firewall. No change, still cannot navigate to my website.
  • From within IIS I double checked my binding. If I click "browse *:80" I can bring up my website in IE with the http:// localhost address. If I click "browse mywebsite on *.80" IE says "This page cannot be displayed.", from within the RDP session I can view the site if I navigate to http:// but not if I navigate to my Virtual IP, nor can I view the page if I try navigating to http://

I'm thinking I must be fundamentally not understanding how do DNS setup with Azure VPS but my initial Google searches aren't turning up any helpful information.

(spaces added after the http:// so serverfault doesn't try and render them as valid urls.)

Best Answer

I found out endpoints must now be configured for Azure VPS instances, adding one solved my problem. Thanks.


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