Azure – Fortigate to Azure VPN — connected but can’t reach anything


I have set up an IPSec VPN between a Fortigate and Azure, according to the following instructions:

The VPN connected the first time, but I cannot see the virtual server from the local network, or anything on the local network from the server.

My configuragion is as follows:

  • Local network:
  • Azure v-net:
  • Azure subnet:
  • Azure gateway subnet:

I have tried pinging or RDP'ing to my server ( from my computer (on the LAN), or pinging my computer from the server. Nothing results (firewalls down, or pinging from other locations).

I already created the static route and the policies in the Fortigate.

Although not on the instructions, I tried creating a routing table in Azure with the local network subnet going through the Virtual Network.

Any ideas on what I should try next?

Thanks!! — Luis

Best Answer

The following link takes up a bunch of pointers on what could be wrong.

In a troubleshooting scenario I would look at your azure servers network card and then effective routes . There you should have your on-premise subnet with a gateway of your azure VPN gateway Effective routes