Azure – How to install SSL Certificate into Service Bus 1.1 on Windows Server


For test cases and evaluation we installed 2 nodes with "Azure Service Bus 1.1" on Windows Server 2012 R2 machines.

The installation process installs the https endpoints with a self-signed certificate which is not trusted through our domain.

In whitepapers I have red that there are two relevant certificates for Service Bus:
"Encryption Certificate" and "Farm Certificate". How can we change the certificate?

Best Answer

Use Set-SBCertificate command.


Set-SBCertificate `
  -EncryptionCertificateThumbprint ‎<thumbprint> `
  -FarmCertificateThumbprint ‎<thumbprint> `
  -SBFarmDBConnectionString "Server=sqlserver;Trusted_Connection=true;Database=SbManagement;Connect Timeout=300"

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