Azure – How to mount an Azure File Share on macOS Sierra


I want to mount my File Share to a folder on my MBP called /Users/me/mount-folder. I've read the Windows documentation as well as the Linux documentation.

I've been, but I do not want to use the storage explorer (I need my Python scripts to access files on the File Share).

I've tried:

mount_smbfs -d 0777 -f 0777 //[storagename]:[key]@[storagename][sharedname]  [Mount point in Mac filesystem]

and I then get asked for a password, but I do not know what password it wants…
I did copy & paste my Azure file share key (exactly, including the ==), but it just tells me that the authentication has failed.

All the posts I've read seem to be old, from around 2015…

Best Answer

This should work today, as Microsoft added support for mounting Azure file shares in macOS.

You do not need to provide the key in the mount_smbfs command, though. You'll be prompted for it. You can save it in Keychain if you wish.

mount_smbfs -d 0777 -f 0777 //[storagename]@[storagename][sharedname]  [Mount point in Mac filesystem]

You can also mount a share via Finder; see Microsoft's official documentation for more.