Azure – How to you restore an Azure VM Backup to a different data center


I recently started using Azure Recovery Services vault to backup our Azure VMs.

It worked so well that I'm considering using it to clone existing VMs to save myself setup time when I need a new one.

However, I cannot figure out how to restore a backup to a different data center.

When you use the UI to perform a restore, you are given an option to pick a Resource Group, Virtual Network, Subnet, and Storage account, but the data center stays the same as the one where the VM was backed up.

I've looked at the Powershell commands for Recovery Services Vaults but I have not discovered a way to specify the data center.

Is this possible? If so, how?

Best Answer

With the introduction of Cross-Region Restore (CRR) you can restore your Azure VM backed up using Azure backup to a secondary region. Reference URL -

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