Azure – Is it possible to download a file using a Powershell DSC resource from Azure File storage account


I have a file in an Azure File storage. I would like to download it using a DSC resource (xRemoteFile, for example).

The Azure File storage gives me an HTTPS url to that file, but it is not directly usable:

enter image description here


Using SAS:

enter image description here

Next I am trying to use the SAS URL:

enter image description here

Still no dice.


As you can see from the snapshots, the SasToken is


and the URL is


i.e. the SasToken is appended to https://***

Best Answer

I can't tell from the screenshot if you are, but you need to specify a SaS token. Azure File shares have the ACL set to private and you cannot change that, so you can't download the file anonymously. You need to generate a SaS token for authentication and then use that in your URL.

You can generate a SaS token directly in the Azure portal now.