Azure not stopping VM


I've created a VM on Azure and I'm trying to stop it. I clicked the stop button in the Azure Portal and I got a message saying "Stopping Virtual Machine" this has been going on for the last 30 minutes. Is it normal for Azure to take this long to stop a VM or is there something wrong here?

Best Answer

According to your description, maybe there are something wrong with the browse, we can use PowerShell to get the status of your Azure VM, in this way we can find the VM's status:

PS C:\Users> Get-azurermvm -ResourceGroupName vm -Name jasonvm -Status
ResourceGroupName          : vm
Name                       : jasonvm
BootDiagnostics            :
  ConsoleScreenshotBlobUri :
  SerialConsoleLogBlobUri  :
Disks[0]                   :
  Name                     : jasonvm
  Statuses[0]              :
    Code                   : ProvisioningState/succeeded
    Level                  : Info
    DisplayStatus          : Provisioning succeeded
    Time                   : 5/16/2017 9:45:28 AM
VMAgent                    :
  VmAgentVersion           : 2.2.10
  Statuses[0]              :
    Code                   : ProvisioningState/succeeded
    Level                  : Info
    DisplayStatus          : Ready
    Message                : Guest Agent is running
    Time                   : 5/16/2017 9:51:35 AM
Statuses[0]                :
  Code                     : ProvisioningState/succeeded
  Level                    : Info
  DisplayStatus            : Provisioning succeeded
  Time                     : 5/16/2017 9:47:41 AM
Statuses[1]                :
  Code                     : PowerState/running
  Level                    : Info
  DisplayStatus            : VM running

Also we can use PowerShell command to stop this VM:
Stop-AzureRmVM -Name -ResourceGroupName

For test, we can change another browse to login Azure portal.

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