Azure – OpenVPN connection to Azure VPN point-to-site (p2s)


I create on my Azure Cloud the VPN Gateway and VPN point-to-site (p2s), I downloaded the VPN Client and after X hours to configure it, I cannot access to VPN.

Now, my questions is : is it possible connect to Azure VPN p2s with OpenVPN client ?

If yes, how?

Best Answer

is it possible connect to Azure VPN p2s with OpenVPN client ?

In brief, no. I've tested in my lab.

Azure P2S VPN only support Windows client for now.



As a workaround, you can deploy the VPN server on an Azure VM. If most of your clients are Windows-based, then please try to install the Windows Server and enable RRAS on it.

Note: If you deploy a VPN server on an Azure VM, please enable the outgoing NAT on it. Otherwise, the VPN clients can not access any resource on the VNET.

Because the IP address of client is allocated by the VPN server, which is unknown to Azure. Azure won't forward any packets from unknown source. With outgoing NAT enabled, all VPN clients are able to access resources on the VNET with the private IP address of the VPN server.

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