Azure Point-to-Site VPN but no DNS


I've got:

  • an Azure Virtual Network,
  • an Windows Server 2012 Domain Controller on that network,
  • a Point-to-Site VPN set up for that network all the way so that I can connect to it from my local machine and ping VM ip addresses
  • a registered DNS Server of the Domain Controller
  • a registered DNS Server for the Virtual Network (overriding the Azure Name Resolution, I guess)

But I cannot resolve DNS names of VMs in the network from a VPN-connected client. Shouldn't this just work? What might be wrong?

The advanced settings of my network adapters don't show this connection as something I can reorder to prioritize DNS.

The client is Windows 8.1, by the way.


Best Answer

I had this same problem: downloaded and installed the Azure Point-to-Site VPN, then no DNS servers. It turned out that I had not registered DNS servers in the network until after the package was installed, and DNS servers are not dynamic for Azure VPN clients. Once the network is completely set up, THEN download the VPN package and it should work just fine.

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