Azure – Remove WAF policy on Azure Gateway


On Azure, I need to disassociate an existing WAF policy that is tied to an Azure Application Gateway but cannot find a way.

I've created a new WAF policy and associated it with my Azure Application Gateway. I do not like the way it is configured and would now like to remove it but it gives me an error message saying

Failed to delete the WAF policy 'wafpolicyNew'. Error: Firewall Policy
can not be deleted since it is still allocated to resource subscriptions/75d2e0ac-xxxxx450c0a6fc/resourceGroups/xxx/providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways/mygateway

Is there any way I can disassociate the policy from my Application Gateway?

I've tried using Powershell

$appGw = Get-AzApplicationGateway -Name "mygateway"
$appGw.FirewallPolicy = $null
Set-AzApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $appGw

But I get another error message saying

cannot be removed from Application Gateway, changing from one firewall
policy to another is permitted

and also tried using the Portal to look for a disassociate button but none to be found.

Best Answer

WAF policies can be deleted from an application gateway by using the Azure CLI.

Stop the application gateway.

 az network application-gateway stop -g MyResourceGroup -n MyAppGateway

Remove the policy

 az network application-gateway waf-policy delete --name MyApplicationGatewayWAFPolicy --resource-group MyResourceGroup
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