Bacula v3 + Windows 2008 = Access is denied


We’re currently testing an upgrade to Bacula 3.0.1 to resolve some issues we’ve been experiencing with Windows 2008 servers.

Since upgrading I have managed to fix problems we were having with VSS and what seems like junction points being created but now we’re getting a fairly bizarre error when attempting to run full and incremental backups (see below).

Server: Hyper-V VPS running Windows Datacentre 2008 X86

I have tested this on dedicated servers and the problems are replicable.

Could not open directory "C:/Users/Administrator/My Documents/My Videos": ERR=Access is denied.
Could not open directory "C:/Documents and Settings/Default/Application Data": ERR=Access is denied.
Could not open directory "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/AppData/Local/Temporary Internet Files": ERR=Access is denied.

The directories themselves have default permissions i.e. SYSTEM with full control, administrators etc.. and Bacula is running as an administrator.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Traversing Windows 2008's (and Vista's, and Windows 7's) backwards-compatibility links doesn't really work as expected. Why is a question for MS.

Each of the examples in the block you provided requires these links:

Could not open directory "C:/Users/Administrator/My Documents/My Videos": ERR=Access is denied.

Should be C:/Users/Administrator/Videos

Could not open directory "C:/Documents and Settings/Default/Application Data": ERR=Access is denied.

Should be C:/Users/Default/AppData

Note that many apps that used this path now use the C:/ProgramData/ directory (which used to be C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data).

Could not open directory "C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/AppData/Local/Temporary Internet Files": ERR=Access is denied.

Should be C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files

It's a pain, but Bacula should work just fine in Windows 2008 as long as the paths are set to the new style.