Bandwidth vs throughput in wired/wireless network


why is throughput of any network is negligible in compared to its bandwidth?also which has got more throughput a wired or wireless network in wan having same bandwidth?

Best Answer

Bandwidth == Theoretical maximum of the transmission media. AKA Channel capacity.
Throughput == The time it takes for data of a given size to be transmitted, I.e. Real World speed.

Why is it that way? Because there are things like crosstalk, error rates, alpha particles and the filthy, filthy lies that ISPs tell about their bandwidth capabilities. Even on a LAN you'll never see pure 100Mb or 1Gb speeds due to environmental factors, broadcast traffic, etc.

As for your last question, IMO an 802.11 wireless network having the same bandwidth rating will have less throughput because of the increased effects of environmental interference as well as inherent limitations with CSMA/CA. If you're referring to different wireless transfer technologies such as microwave backhauls, you'll have to wait for someone else with expertise in that area to address the topic.