Bash assign variable based on variable name


I would like to write a bash function where i provide a string and it assigns the value "hi" to a variable with that string's name. I'm sure this has been answered before but I don't know the keyword to lookup in manual.

myfunc() {
  ## some magic with $1
  ## please help me fill in here.

myfunc "myvar"
echo $myvar
> hi

After answer. Thanks guys. I wrote a function to look for an environment variable and prompt for it if its not there. Would appreciate any improvements. I believe it works.

get_if_empty() {
    eval test -z $`echo ${varname}`;
    if [ "0" = "$retcode" ]
        eval echo -n "${varname} value: "
        read `echo $1` # get the variable name
    eval echo "$1 = $`echo ${varname}`"


Here is the usage:

get_if_empty MYVAR

Best Answer

From man bash

   eval [arg ...]
          The  args are read and concatenated together into a single command.  This command is then read and executed by the shell, and its exit status is returned as the value of
          eval.  If there are no args, or only null arguments, eval returns 0


myfunc() {
    eval ${varname}="hi"

myfunc "myvar"
echo $myvar