Bash – cannot unset env variables from script


I am trying to unset all environment variables from within a script. The script runs fine but if I run env it still shows all the variables set.
If I run the command from CLI, it works and the variables are unset.

unset `env | awk -F= '/^\w/ {print $1}' | xargs`

Have any idea how to run this from a script?
Also, have any idea how to source /etc/profile from a script? This doesn't work either.

I need to set variables with same names but different paths, depending on the instances my users need.

Later edit:
ok, I ended up with this (rather not elegant, but whatever) solution:

. script 

which contains:

source env_variable_file


Best Answer

This is a standard answer, basically. You can't do that, because the script runs in a new child process. That process gets its own environment, and can't change that of the parent, either to set variables or to unset them.

You can run the script in the current environment using the . command. And you can source /etc/profile in the same way:

. /etc/profile