Bash – egrep matching group not printing


I'm trying to create a bash script that will grep lines from a file using egrep. I've created the regex that should group the information I want, the issue is trying to get the output. I've been testing it with the following command but nothing is printed when ran. How do I print the multiple lines between the -{80} and Disconnected?

egrep -E "^-{80}$\r?\n?([:ascii:]*)Disconnected from Server" testing.txt

File: testing.txt

Connected to the server: name here

Some header text.
More text to go though...
The information that I want, would be in here;

Including this line as well #$
and this one.

Disconnected from Server...

Best Answer

You might be better off using a tool like awk.

awk '/^----+$/ {flag=1;next} /Disconnected from Server/{flag=0} flag {print}'
