Bash – exported variable not persisted after script execution


I'm facing a wierd issue.
I've a vm with solaris 11, and trying to write some bash scripts.

if, on the shell, I type :

export TEST=aaa

and subsequently run:


I correctly see a new environment variable named TEST whose value is aaa.
If, however I do basically the same thing in a script. when the script terminates, I do not see the variable set.
To make a concrete example, if in a file I have:

echo 1: $TEST   #variable not defined yet, expect to print only 1:
echo 2: $USER
echo 3:  $TEST
export TEST
echo 4:  $TEST

it prints:

2: daniele
3: sss
4: sss

and after its execution, TEST is not set in the shell.
Am I missing something?
I tried both to do export TEST=sss and the separate variable set/export with no difference.

Best Answer

export - make variable available for child processes, but not for parent.

source - run script in shell without creating child process

For exalmpe, persistent variable can be realised by writing to file

echo 1: $TEST   #variable not defined yet, expect to print only 1:
if [ -r ${CONFIGFILE} ]; then
  # Read the configfile if it's existing and readable
  source ${CONFIGFILE}
echo 2: $TEST
echo 3: $USER
echo 4:  $TEST
echo 5:  $TEST