Bash – How to allow connections in zimbra/mail client


I installed a Zimbra server into CentOS 6, enter the admin panel via web HTTPS over port 7071, the problem is I can not access the web mail client (port 445), I can only access via localhost. I reviewed this port from bash:

[root@host etc]# netstat -antp | grep 445
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 15751/java
[root@host etc]# cat /proc/15751/cmdline

From localhost I have no problems but from the outside can not, I tried to modify the jetty.xml found in zimbra settings and restart the mailbox but the service I zimbra this file overwrites the previous settings.

How I can set zimbra correctly so you can access the web mail client from any external ip?

Best Answer

1) it should be 443 not 445, it's standard HTTPS 2) if not it's 8443 (or 443 via nginx proxy) pending your install 3) disable your firewall (temporarily)

Did you install it with their RPM? what package? 8.6.1GA? re-run the installer you may have missed something and make sure all services are running

sudo su - zimbra
zmcontrol status