Bash – How to bypass sudo


I am trying to script a non-interactive install of Meteor (JS Framework) and part of the script prompts for sudo . I cant seem to get past it w/ my scripting skills.

The install is : curl | /bin/sh

At a later point in the script it prompts for Sudo password. I want this step to fail. And then I can script my way around the resolution .

Note:: I cannot add the user to sudoers file, its running in a shared environment that doesnt allow my user elevated access.

Best Answer

This will replace any instance of the string "sudo" (sans quotes) with "sudo -n" (sans quotes):

curl | sed 's/sudo/sudo -n/g' | /bin/sh

From the sudo manpage:

-n' The -n (non-interactive) option prevents sudo from prompting the user for a password. If a password is required for the command to run, sudo will display an error message and exit.

It's worth pointing out, however, that this only works if you would be prompted for a password. In other words, if you've recently run sudo, and those credentials allow you to run sudo without entering a password for 15 minutes (the default) and you run this within 15 minutes, the above command will still succeed in running sudo. Or if you are never normally prompted for a password, that will also cause success.

To invalidate the session created by recently entering sudo credentials, run sudo -k. Again, from the manual:

-k [command]

When used alone, the -k (kill) option to sudo invalidates the user's cached credentials. The next time sudo is run a password will be required. This option does not require a password and was added to allow a user to revoke sudo permissions from a .logout file. Not all security policies support credential caching.

When used in conjunction with a command or an option that may require a password, the -k option will cause sudo to ignore the user's cached credentials. As a result, sudo will prompt for a password (if one is required by the security policy) and will not update the user's cached credentials.

If that doesn't work for you (if, for example, your security policy wouldn't request a password), you can try:

curl | sed 's/sudo/sudo \/bin\/false/g' | /bin/sh

If the program sudo was running failed, sudo will fail. And from the manpage for false:

Exit with a status code indicating failure. all false does.

What this means is that, instead of running whatever command it's trying to run with sudo, it will instead run /bin/false, passing the name of the original program intended to be run under sudo as the first argument.

NOTE: If you actually want the entire first line containing a sudo call to fail, these solutions won't (necessarily) make that happen. The sudo call itself will fail, but if its arguments are created in a subshell, or there are previous commands on the same line, those will work as usual. So, if the original command were:

sudo exterminate "$(ls /humans)"

That would become:

sudo /bin/false exterminate "$(ls /humans)"

And ls /humans would still run. Probably obvious, and it likely doesn't matter, but just in case, I thought I'd mention.