Bash – How to delete empty source directories when moving folders with rsync


rsync can be coaxed into moving folders very similarly and superiorly to traditional mv with the following options:

rsync -axvvES --remove-source-files source_directory /destination/

However one thing I cannot yet seem to get it to do is to remove original directories. The --remove-source-files flag does just that, removes the source files, but not also source directories. I wish there were a --remove-source-directories flag as well, but there's not.

How can I deal with this? I suppose I can just issue an rm -fr after the move, however I'd prefer to keep the procedure all in one process vs introducing a potential for mistakes.

Best Answer

I haven't found a command that does that in one go, but since rsync still performs better than rm -rf (specially if you have a very large number of directories) here are two rsync command that do a "move":

rsync -av --ignore-existing --remove-source-files source/ destination/ && \
rsync -av --delete `mktemp -d`/ source/ && rmdir source/