Bash – how to write a script that only acts on new log entries


I feel like this should be a simple thing but I am having a hard time figuring it out.

I am trying to write a script that will monitor one of the apache log files and take some specific action. But how should I go about monitoring the log file?

Everytime a new line is written to log, I want that entry to be checked to see if it matches what I am looking for and if so x happens. When I am doing this manually I used cat or tail -f. I dont want to run the script every 30 seconds via cron and go through the whole log (or even the last 5 lines), figure out which of those lines are new since the last time the script ran and then so some things.

Is there a way only check the single new entry in the log?

Best Answer

Running your script via cron but using logtail or logtail2 to read the file will avoid reading the whole file every minute. Logtail keeps track of where it last read to and jumps to that point the next time you use it.

If you want to act on new log lines immediately rather than waiting up to 59 seconds between cron invocations, you will have to use tail -f or some equivalent.

Janne's and Khaled's answers both look to solve this problem well.

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