Bash – Limit tcpdump capture files by time and size


I am having some problems getting tcpdump to log all internet traffic on an interface with the following limitations:

  • I would like a new pcap file every hour with time and date tag in the name
  • If the pcap file in this hour becomes larger than 100M then create a new pcapfile with the samenametag as before but with a -2 -3 -4 … suffix.

I am playing around with the following command:

tcpdump -pni eth0 -s65535 -G 3600 -C 100 -w '/var/log/tcpdump/trace_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S.pcap'

As a result I do get a log file every hour but it does not seem to split the file if it becomes larger than 100.

Does anyone know where I am messing up?
Cheers for the help

Best Answer

Your command should work, maybe there's a bug.

Use tshark (wireshark package) instead:

tshark -i eth0 -b duration:3600 -b filesize:102400 -s 65535 -w trace.pcap

The created filenames are based on the filename given with the -w option, the number of the file and on the creation date and time, e.g. outfile_00001_20050604120117.pcap, outfile_00002_20050604120523.pcap, ...

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