Bash – Programmatically adding two lines to crontab

amazon ec2bashcronubuntu-12.04

I'm trying to add two lines to the root crontab when building an AWS instance. I have a set of commands that are part of the "user data". These commands are run as root when creating the instance. I would like to add these two lines to the crontab:

@daily /home/ubuntu/
@hourly /home/ubuntu/

I am using the following approach (based on an answer to this question):

(crontab -u ubuntu -l ; echo -e "@daily /home/ubuntu/\n@hourly /home/ubuntu/") | crontab -u ubuntu -

However, this does not work when the instance is being created, but it does work if I log in and run this line. Is there any different way that I can append lines to the crontab?

Best Answer

If you are trying to mange crontabs programmatically, just create a file in /etc/cron.d/ for example, /etc/cron.d/example-cron, and populate it with the aforementioned lines:

@daily ubuntu /home/ubuntu/
@hourly ubuntu /home/ubuntu/

The only difference is that you have to include a user to run the cron as, as the second argument. I set it to ubuntu in the example above, but you could set it to root for example.