Bash – Running a JAR from a bash script in a cronjob


For some reason my cronjob is not working:

4 20 * * * /home/ubuntu/db_backup/ 1 > /home/ubuntu/db_backup/cron_log.txt

And my bash script looks like this:

#! /bin/bash
mysqldump -h anotherhost -P 3306 -u usen -pmypass --all-databases > $1.sql
java -jar myJar.jar param1 $1.sql

So the jar file takes in 2 parameters, the first one i want always to be the same, the second one comes from the first bash parameter. Inside /var/spool/mail/ubuntu I see this error:

Unable to access jarfile myJar.jar

I set the crontab up under user: ubuntu

owner and group of the jar file is ubuntu and it has octal permissions of 700.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

Try with full paths:

#! /bin/bash
mysqldump -h anotherhost -P 3306 -u usen -pmypass --all-databases > /path/$1.sql
java -jar /path/myJar.jar param1 /path/$1.sql