Bash script – print from line N to EOF


I want to be able to print the number of lines from bash as such:
Line number (as counted from the top) -> end of the file

It seems tail will only count lines from the bottom.

Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks.

I've tried the following

# Where $1 is the file I'm reading in

# Get line number of error:
LINENUM=$( grep -n "$LAST_ERROR_DATE" $1 | egrep $LOG_THRESHOLD | grep $LAST_HOUR: | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $1}' | head -n 1 )


# This returns 995

# Print everything from linenumber downwards
MESSAGE=$( awk 'NR >= $LINENUM' $1 )

This works when I manually pop in 995 to awk instead of $LINENUM, it doesn't seem to read in my bash variable. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Single quotes '' mean, "use this exact string." They do not substitute variable names with their values. So that's why you have to manually write in 995. Does that help?