Bash – Script that checks and runs a jar, sometimes runs it twice.


I jave written a small bash script to run every 10 minutes, check if a certain program is running and if not run it. However, I noticed that sometimes I have two instances of the same program running (using ps ax | grep "gateway"). What am I doing wrong?

#! /bin/bash                                                                   
case "$(ps ax | grep -c gateway.jar)" in                                       

      1)  echo "Restarting Java Gateway (1):     $(date)" >> /home/user/gateway.log
          java -jar /home/user/project/unx/java/gateway.jar &          
      0)  echo "Restarting Java Gateway (0):     $(date)" >> /home/iwidgetuser/gateway.log
          java -jar /home/user/project/unx/java/gateway.jar &          
      *)  echo "Gateway is running! Good!:     $(date)" >> /home/user/gateway.log

Best Answer

Your check is program is running is incorrect.

You obtain list of running processes and search in them string with your program name (gateway.jar). If string occured in processes list 0 or 1 times you start gateway.jar.

If gateway.jar is still running it will be in process list. Also, if grep invocation was caught in process list, it's command will contain gateway.jar and it will be counted by grep.

So there are three four cases:

  1. gateway.jar is running and grep is in process list -> grep returns 2

  2. gateway.jar is running and grep is not in process list -> grep returns 1

  3. gateway.jar is not running and grep is in process list -> grep returns 1

  4. gateway.jar is not running and grep is not in process list -> grep returns 0

If case 2 happens your code starts gateway.jar second time.

Case 2 happens rarely, e.g. on my machine it happened 4 times out of 1000 invocations:

$ for i in `seq 1 1000`; do if [ $(ps ax | grep -c abcd) != "1" ]; then echo $i; fi; done