Bash – sudo: unable to execute … bad address – what is it and how to fix it


I have a set of scripts which finishes up client machine deployment after executing a fairly generic NetRestore image.

The main script runs under root privileges, and then calls another, "user" script with sudo -iu $PROPER_USER ...

The problem is, sudo fails on this step and doesn't actually execute the script. I get this error:

sudo: unable to execute /bin/bash: Bad address

What does this mean, and how can I fix this? One thing that comes to mind is that I'm changing the hostname earlier in the script, using networksetup -setcomputername ...

Best Answer

Never mind about the networking. It was not even close.

The Bad address message comes from the kernel and indicates that a the process attempted to open a terminal (pty/tty) which does not exist.

I'm not sure why adding sleep fixed the issue (unreliably), but going back to no-sleep version of my scripts and adding:

Defaults !requiretty

to /etc/sudoers works so far.
