Best method to add network printers using GPO


Whats the best method to add printers for users using GPO? Also is there any way to prevent thjem from adding network printers but allow them to add local printers?

Server is Win 2003 RC2, clients are a mix of XP and Win 7

Best Answer

This article is long winded, but has good advice. Basically use the Deployed Printers in a GPO, and run PushPrinterConnections.exe as a login script (part of pmcmgmt.exe from this MS DL Page).

Network Printer security should be handled at the Print Server end, not by trying to lock clients out (which will royally screw with the above process). Users who are not local admins will not be able to add local printers anyway (and we all know proper security dictates that normal users are not local admins, especially on XP).