Best practice to use AD security group as distribution group in o365


O365 question.

We have our on premise Active Directory setup to Sync with O365. In active directory I have a security group named "Quickbooks Users" which gives those users access to the quickbooks files on our file server. I would like to setup a distribution group that is dynamic to the security group so I do not have to maintain 2 different groups. Any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this? I don't even see AD security groups in Exchange to convert them to Mail Enabled security groups and I do not see a way to create a dynamic group based on another group.

Best Answer

If this is a synced group, it needs to be mail-enabled locally first, then sync it to Office 365 and it should show up as a distribution list in Exchange Online. You don't manage two objects - just the local one, as you add or remove members the cloud object will be updated when the sync runs.