Best practices – Conditionals for Chef resources without guard attributes


We are setting up a cluster using Apache Ambari.

Our Chef run is interrupted by the need to use Ambari to provision the Hadoop cluster. Current installs are a three part process:

  1. Initial Chef run to prep OS.
  2. Use Ambari to configure (and later manage) Hadoop cluster.
  3. Post-Ambari configs using a second Chef run.

I searched similar questions, but answers all revolved around using resources that included guard attributes for conditionals. The second run uses a series of resources that do not accept guard attributes.

I've been working around this by using execute commands and "not_if"/"only_if" guards. Example:

%w{package1 package2 package3 package4}.each do |package|
  execute "Install #{package}" do
    command "yum install #{package}"
    user 'root'
    only_if { ::File.exists?("/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo")}

But this gets tedious to write for each resource. There has got to be a better way.

Is there a standard or "best" practice for executing all remaining code (or select resources) in a recipe if one conditional is met?

I thought about wrapping in a Ruby block and using notifies, but blocks seem declarative. I'm not sure how best to set them up to "do x if y, else nothing", or even if that's the right tool for the job?

ruby_block "Check for Ambari.repo" do
  block do
  notifies :run "execute[package]" :immediately

%w{package1 package2 package3 package4}.each do |package|
      execute "Install #{package}" do
        command "yum install #{package}"
        user 'root'
        action :nothing

Best Answer

You are asking for an if block so why not just use an if block?

if File.exists?("/etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo")
  %w{package1 package2}.each do |pkg|
    package pkg

  ... do some other stuff here if you want...

The default action for package is install so you don't need the full block in this case.

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