Best practices for shared storage between Windows web servers


I've searched high and low for a whitepaper on storing uploads and serving content (primarily images) via a Windows 2003 web farm, but to no avail. Our hosting facility has a SAN, which we have access to via a shared drive on the web servers, but in the past we've had difficulties making this work with our .NET apps.

Just wondering what everyone else does?

Best Answer

How are you given access to the SAN? Are they just creating the volume on the SAN then giving you the target name etc to add to the iscsi connectors on Windows? You shouldn't really have any issues using a SAN between multiple servers as long as you setup how it's being accessed correctly.

What are you trying to do with shared storage between web servers? You may want to look into setting up a proxy which that web servers can use and then have the proxy use the shared storage.

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