Best RAID setup for DRBD


I would like to setup a two nodes PROXMOX cluster with DRBD storage. The nodes will be connected by gigabit ethernet. What would be the best storage setup in terms of reliability, performance and costs electiveness?

My favorite would be RAID 10, but my colleague argues that RAID 0 would be sufficient since DRBD works as RAID 1. I also heard RAID 1 is good option.

Best Answer

"What will be the best storage setup in terms of reliability" - "but my colleague argues that RAID 0 would be sufficient". RAID 0 and reliability do not belong together.

Consider reading ServerFault's What are the different widely used RAID levels and when should I consider them? question for more information, but RAID 0 is never a good idea. Ever. Apart from short-term mass-storage RAID 0 should be avoided at all costs - they say it's called RAID 0 because 0 is the % of data that is likely to be recoverable.

While DRBD may provide a mirror in itself and if you want a compromise the hardware RAID 1 should be fine, although it does depends on disk I/O.

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