Best way to sync application servers on a load balanced web app

load balancing

I'm trying to figure out how to load balance an application, such as WordPress. My server array would look like this:

  1. Load Balancer.
  2. Database Server.
  3. 2 or more application servers.

Most, if not all of the content will be stored in the database, so content won't be a problem, and deployments will also be solved by having both servers clone from a remote GIT repo, but what happens if someone uploads an image to one server? How would it get synced to the other?

I'm guessing that I could do this with rSync, but I feel that that is kind of outdated. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

It seems that you need to look at DRBD, glusterfs, and similar products for real-time replication of your files. Of course, such solutions will be much more efficient if the network delay is too small like deploying them within the same LAN.

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