BIND DNS forwarding for external domain


I inherited an evironment that has a BIND server for our internal LAN. I noticed it doesn't have any forwarders for external request (i.e. How the heck does my laptop know that is outside our LAN? My DHCP scope has the BIND server listed as it's primary DNS server.

Best Answer

BIND has what is called a "root hints" list pre-installed inside the binary. It lists where root servers are, or at least were when that specific version of BIND was released. Luckily, they rarely move, although more addresses may be added. Usually these are IPv6 addresses.

When BIND first starts up, it will use these hints to find what the current address set really is. This is called "priming" and is done entirely behind the scene.

So, once this is done, and you configure some local zones for your own use, it knows enough to answer questions for your zones and for any other domain out there. In this case, is not a local zone in your file, so it asks a root server for, gets sent to servers for .com, and then those send BIND off to's name servers. They answer, and you get your answer.

As an author of BIND, I'm happy it appears to be magic. :)