BIND server zones don’t “notify” until serial is changed


I am having what I feel will end up being a simple problem, however I am not seeing the obvious problem.

Here is an example flow first of all to get a better understanding of how things occur in order — please note that this is infrastructure that is already in place and the order of operations needs to remain intact:

  1. Register domain IE GoDaddy
  2. Point domain at our nameserver
  3. Create nameserver record and reload Bind

Now .. Between step 1 and 2 we start seeing this (obviously because the domain is not in our system yet:

Jun 12 15:32:40 DNSSERVER named[25262]: client ( query (cache) '' denied

Next I create the zone file /var/lib/bind/

$ttl 38400                       IN          SOA (
                            38400 )                       IN       NS                       IN       A       40.xx.xx.xx                   IN       A       40.xx.xx.xx                  IN       A       173.xx.xx.xx               IN       A       173.xx.xx.xx                       IN       MX      10                       IN       MX      20

After this I insert the zone into the configuration /etc/bind/named.conf.local:

zone "" {
     type master;
     file "/var/lib/bind/";

Then I issue a restart sudo service bind9 restart

After this, I still get the

Jun 12 15:32:40 DNSSERVER named[25262]: client ( query (cache) '' denied

What I have to do to resolve this is edit my file /var/lib/bind/ — Update the serial with a new unix timestap — re-save and restart Bind. And viola, the notifiers get sent out that the zone was updated.


Then I get the following in the log

8377:Jun 12 14:12:57 OURSND named[25262]: zone sending notifies (serial 1494611231)


Here is the question, why don't the notifiers get sent out when I create the zone and restart Bind? Why do I have to go back in, edit, re-save and restart Bind for the zone to be seen as "updated"? I want this to happen the first time, every time. What am I not seeing?

Best Answer

Think of the serial as a version number. You (re)start bind, it checks the version number on its data cache vs. version number in config (the serial). If the version is the same, why bother re-processing everything, and why waste network bandwidth telling secondary servers that you have zone(s) to transfer...

Always update your serial. Only rule is that it must go up. Using a unix time stamp is good, or a format like YYYYMMDDNN where NN is a revision number for that day (do you need to change it more than 99 times a day?).

The problem, as you have discovered, is remembering to update the serial when you edit the file. Use some template files, data files, and shell scripting to create a "build" process where you'd make your edits to the data, then tell it to regenerate the zone file(s) part of which would include putting out a new serial, or even go to a (way overkill) web based front end with a "service provider" control panel like ISPConfig where the data will all be in a sql database and the ispconfig software will create the zone file(s) automagically.