Bind9 with $GENERATE in PTR records and a lots of ‘ignoring out-of-zone data’


I have a next issue. I have subnet and I rule reverse records of it. Definitions of zones are the next:

    zone "" {
    type master;
    file "rev/db.92.222.0-127";

zone "" {
    type master;
    file "rev/db.92.222.0-127";

In this single file I have a lot of:


In them I put a lot

$GENERATE 1-254        $ PTR   fr2-a$ 
$GENERATE 10-139        $ PTR   fr2-b$ 

All is wokring fine exept starting of bind and checking file zones with named-checkzone. In log file I have

named[4256]: rev/db.92.222.0-127:83: ignoring out-of-zone data (

So for every string which contains $GENERATE bind is generating this warning. Try to find, how it possible to fix and no success. bind is starting at least for 40 seconds till 2 minutes differ of server.
Probably somebody can help me here?
Thank you!

Best Answer

The issue is not specific to reverse zones or $GENERATE, rather general for any case where there is data that belongs to some different zone in the zone file specified for a given zone.

Simply have one zone file per zone and this should not be an issue.