Blank email bodies on exchange 2010 / outlook 2010


We are experiencing random blank email bodies on email sent between internal users on
Exchange 2010 sp1 rollup pack 3 and clients using outlook 2010 sp 1 on windows 7 with latest patches.
The same email sent to different users is correctly received by everyone but one single user (it happens randomly on different users).
In outlook the user can see headers (Sender, Receiver, subject, date, etc) but the body is completely blank.

We already tried with no luck:

  • disabling antivirus.

  • setting outlook email compose setting to rtf.

  • deleting and recreating profiles and also disable cached mode on profiles.

Any suggestion would be welcome.

Best Answer

I had a client that was having the exact same issue.... OWA would show the body of the message but Outlook's message body was stripped out. With a little research and some googling skill I found and (successfully tested) that if you disable the Outlook AVG Add-in the problem goes away.