Blank screen when mstsc /admin to Windows Server 2003 EE


Previously I had no issues with connecting to the console session on Windows Server 2003, but today for some reason I get blank screen after I enter username, password and press Enter. There's simply desktop background visible.

If I try to connect with the same account without /admin switch – it works just fine.
Have tried to use another account – same issue.

Remote host OS: W2k3 EE.

Already tried to disable Bitmap Caching from the Experience tab – didn't work.
I also tried to connect from another host – no luck.
Deleting domain user profile on problem host had no positive effect.

Server has not been restarted yet, since this is production one.
No error/warning windows pop up after entering credentials.

Any ideas why it doesn't work with /admin switch and works fine without?

Best Answer

You can try to press CTRL+ALT+ESC to get a Task Manager, File > Run, explorer.exe to try to manually kick off the desktop. I've done that before.