Block ActiveSync (only externaly, allow internally) but allow OAW/OWA (externally and internally) on Exchange


We have the following setup:

  • Exchange 2010 SP3
  • An external IP adress & DNS name for OWA (bound to our Hardware Load Balancer)
  • An external IP adress & DNS name for OAW & Active Sync (bound to our Hardware Load Balancer)
  • Two internal Exchange 2010 SP3 CAS Server
  • A mobile device Management which bring an own ActiveSync access point

How can we ensure that only the Mobile device management (MDM) offer active sync? We couldnĀ“t block access on the 2nd external IP adress as this offer also the needed OAW access.

I currently hope we can somehow reconfigure the activesync virtual directory to implement that.

Best Answer

It's possible, simply don't put anything in the External URL of ActiveSync. Something among the lines of:

Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Server "ExchangeServerName" | Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -InternalURL -ExternalURL $null