Blue Screen on MS Small Business Server 2003 clean install


I am trying to do a clean install of Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 on a brand new Dell Precision Workstation T3400.  I am installing from boot cd. 

Setup loads initial setup files (Adaptech, Qlogic, etc). Right after
it says "Setup is starting Windows" I receive a blue screen / stop
error: STOP: 0x0000007B

Below is a list of things I have tried without success:

  • During setup, tried F6 and loaded raid drivers from usb floppy.  The drivers on the floppy were downloaded from dells website.
  • Tried using windows built in raid drivers.
  • Tried changing SATA Operation to RAID Autodetect / ATA
  • Downloaded MS SBS 2003 SP2 and slipstreamed into data from cd and burned a new boot cd.
  • I have Two precision T3400s and both of them had the exact same error.

All of the above resulted in the same Stop error 0x0000007B

Any Ideas?


Best Answer

You are correct in looking at the RAID drivers, this is usually the cause of the bluescreen at this point. Are you sure the drivers you are getting from the Dell website are correct, and that when using the F6 option you are selecting the correct one, often at this point you are presented with a number of drivers to choose from.