Boot Clonezilla with XenServer VM


I'm currently trying to move a RHEL based server to Citrix XenServer (5.6) VM.

My plan was to use Clonezilla LIVE CD, which i have had good suceess with to clone physical to physical before. So i have already created the image of the physical server.

I have created a new VM in XenCenter, with 1 single CPU and 1Gb Memory – for simplicity – will put more resources in later.

However on the restore part, I can boot Clonezilla on an new VM and i get the splash screen where i can choose different modes of Clonezilla. But i have never gone successfully past the first splash screen. The ISO's are located in a network share.

Now i have tried different builds of Clonezilla, both default Debian and the alternative Ubuntu based, in amd64 and i486 flavors. 4 ISO's in total.

a) clonezilla-live-2.1.0-26-amd64 : Stopping at below lines, with blinking carriage after

[2.808077] Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 2666.841 Mhz
[2.808108] Switching to clocksource tsp

b) clonezilla-live-2.1.0-26-i486 : Stopping with a black screen

c) clonezilla-live-20130226-quantal-amd64 : Stopping with a white screen

d) clonezilla-live-20130226-quantal-i386 : Stopping with a white screen

Best Answer

Are you P2V ? If yes follow the step

Step 1 use "clonezilla Live CD"
Step 2 boot using Clonezilla Live CD 
Step 3 Choose language in Clonezilla live
Step 4 Keyboard selection in clonezilla live
Step 5 Enter clonezilla or shell command (choose shell command)
Step 6 Choose option "2"
Step 7 You'll get "$" prompt 
Step 8 $ sudo bash
Step 9 # ifconfig eth0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Step 10 # passwd (change root passwd)
Step 11 # /etc/init.d/ssh restart
Step 12 Create new VM with HDD/CPU/MEM
Step 13 Boot VM with Clonezilla Live CD
Step 14 Follow above 11 step
Step 15 # dd if=/dev/sda |gzip -c | ssh root@target ip address 'gzip -d | dd of=/dev/sda'
Step 16 reboot VM