Bringing people into an Asterisk conference call


I'm using Asterisk 1.4 and am trying to work out a way to bring people into a conference call. In the ideal scenario two people would be talking and one of them would push some keys, then a phone number and then the three of them would be in a conference. From there they should be able to bring in other people as well.

This seems to be what the Asterisk n-way call HOWTO is trying to do, but it doesn't work quite properly for me. Here's what happens:
1. Internal person A calls person B
2. Person A presses *0, he is given a dial tone and person B is taken to a conference room
3. Person A calls person C and they can talk, and then person A presses **.
4. Person C is brought to the conference room, but person A is disconnected.

In the last step, A should be taken to the conference room as well.

Here's the relevant logs, where 230 is person A, 231 is person B, 207 is person C, and 282 is the conference room.

Best Answer

I know this is a bit of a necro, but i can't see your relevent logs.

Its not as fancy as *1 and **, but it should work in the same idea. -- Make an extension that is a conference extension, anyone who calls ext 6000, gets placed in a conference call.

Person A calls Person B. Person A and B talk, and then Person A decides Person C should be in on the call too. Person A blind-transfers Person B to extension 6000. Person A Calls Person C, Briefs him, and blind-transfers Person C to extension 6000. Person A then Calls Extension 6000.

Rinse and repeat as many times as necessary -- or AIM your buddies to dial extension 6000.