BSOD on bootup or Windows CD boot

boothard drivewindows-xp

I screwed something up with a hard drive, and now I'm trying to get it bootable again.

I had Windows working fine, but it somehow assigned H:\ to the system disk on installation. In trying to edit the registry to change this (my mistake) I hosed everything up. I was going to just boot to my Windows XP disc again to reinstall, but now I'm receiving BSOD STOP error 0x0000007B every time.

I did some hunting around and it looks like this is related to a corrupt MBR on the hard disk, and found recommendations to run FIXMBR from the repair console. The problem is I can't boot to the hard drive, OR from the Windows disc to reach the recovery console, I get the BSOD. Does anyone know how I can easily erase/rewrite the MBR on the hard disk in this situation? I already tried using the BartPE disc and hit the same wall (it loads some kind of Windows kernel, I believe). I thought there might be some kind of bootable linux disc out there that could run something to fix the hard drive.

Any help would be appreciated…

Best Answer

If BartPE is bluescreening, I suspect your computer has a much deeper issue. Try pulling the hard drive and running Bart. If it still blue screens, then you have a motherboard/ram/video card issue.