Bugzilla – How to setup MTA that will receive Gmail to create bugs


I have been looking for a while on setting up an MTA for bugzilla to receive bugs via email and am not really seeing any detailed guides.

Currently I am using gmail as the outbound smtp for messages, but I do not have a solution for the receiving of emails as bugs.

I am assuming I would setup an MTA and it would grab down the emails and then bugzilla would read them somehow.

I am unsure of this process/a solution for this; Any detailed help or direction would be great.

Distro: Ubuntu 11.10

Best Answer

If you want to use an external server to actually receive the mail, you can use fetchmail to collect the mail via POP3 or IMAP from GMail and feed it into your local postfix installation and then use procmail via a .forward file to feed it into Bugzilla's email_in.pl.

This is a guide outlining the steps for Gentoo Linux, but it should be easy to adapt to the system of your choice.

I am not sure how email_in.pl actually works, but it might be possible to use it as an MDA for fetchmail directly, so you don't need a full postfix configuration. This is the method I use e.g. for my RT installations.

A typical fetchmailrc file would look similar to the following:

poll mailserver.com proto pop3: 
username username password 12345  mda "/path/to/email_in.pl"