Bugzilla not seeing Email::MIME


I am trying to install bugzilla and I keep getting the error that the required module Email::MIME is not found.

However, when I run the install command I get:

/usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Email::MIME
Checking for CPAN (v1.81) ok: found v1.93
Checking for YAML (any) ok: found v0.71
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.21)
Going to read /home/thethewr/.cpan/Metadata
Database was generated on Mon, 23 Aug 2010 00:30:03 GMT
Installing Email::MIME version 1.903...
Email::MIME is up to date (1.903).

Yet bugzilla says

Checking for          Email-MIME (v1.861)   not found

Best Answer

Email::MIME uses Email::Address.

A recent update to Email::Address accidently included a feature which requires Perl 5.10 (Perl Bug 60765).

You can check if this issue is impacting you by running the following from the Bugzilla directory:

perl -Mlib=lib -MEmail::MIME -e1

If you see a Sequence (?|...) not recognized in regex error, then that's what is going on with your installation.

An updated Email::Address is due "in a few days".