SSL Certificate – How to Buy One for a Subdomain


I bought a plain ole SSL cert for I also want to secure and, which both map to the same server. Is this possible?

I'm trying to avoid having to buy a wildcard SSL as it costs $200 when all I really need is two subdomains.

Best Answer

Yes, you should be able to buy a "multidomain" certificate that lists both and in the subjectAltName. If your SSL provider can't / won't provide you with a multidomain certificate, find another provider. Be warned: like all SSL certificate things, they're a monster freaking scam, and you'll want to steel yourself for the price hike for adding a second related name to a certificate... it's freaking ridiculous.

Oh, one thing: I recently noticed that one of the companies we resell certs from automatically provides certificates for with the altname built-in, for no extra cost. I'd never seen it before, but someone's doing it, so it might be worth looking around.

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