Caching DNS server (bind9.2) CPU usage is so so so high


I have a caching-only dns server which get ~3k queries per second. Here is specs:

Xeon dual-core 2,8GHz 4GB of RAM
Centos 5x (kernel 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5PAE) 
bind 9.4.2

rndc status:
recursive clients: 666/4900/5000

About 300 new queries (not in cache) per second.

Bind always uses 100% on one core on single-thread config. After I recompiled it to multi-thread, it uses nearly 200% on two core 🙁 No iowait, only sys and user. I searched around but didn't see any info about how bind use CPU. Why does it become bottleneck?

One more thing, here is RAM usage:

cat /proc/meminfo 
MemTotal:      4147876 kB
MemFree:       1863972 kB
Buffers:        143632 kB
Cached:         372792 kB
SwapCached:          0 kB
Active:        1916804 kB
Inactive:       276056 kB

I've set max-cache-size to 0 to make sure bind can use as much RAM as it want, but it always stop at ~2GB. Since every second we got not cached queries so theoretically RAM must be exhausted but it wasn't.

Do you have any idea?



Best Answer

Which version of BIND are you using? Versions before Bind 9.5 have known scalability problems with high loads, see .


  • never set max-cache-size to 0 unless you want to open your server to DoS
  • the maximum size taken by your cache is always bound to the TTLs of the actual records

I recommend you perform a side test with dnscache from dnscache, it takes 10 minutes to install, is extremely simple to tune and maintain, and has predictable performance.