Cacti – central server to check status


Hey is there a way to setup one server for cacti and having all the other servers send their data to it? I would have thought, that the poller sends all the info to the central server including the rdd files etc.. is there a way to do this?

Is there maybe a simple simular tool to do this if cacti does not have that capability? I would like to check CPU load, Disk space, RAM usage, Process number, logged in users… nice to have would be ping, disk i/o

I would love a simple setup and client I can run on all my debian machines…

Best Answer

Yeah, it's called SNMP, and it should be how Cacti works out-of-the-box. Have you read the Cacti docs? It should explain how to set up SNMP polling - the monitoring server asks, the monitored servers do not send*.

*unless you configure SNMP traps, syslog, or other complexities.